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Teoriseminar: Why weak states persist and alternatives to the state fade away

Arjun Chowdhury besøkjer NUPI for å diskutere sine nye bok “The Myth of International Order: Why weak states persisa and alternatives to the state fade away”.
26 september 2018
13:15 Europe/Oslo
Språk: Engelsk


  • Engelsk

Teoriseminaret baserer seg på følgjande tekst:

“In my book, I show why we should expect the majority of states in the world to be ‘weak' states – states that cannot monopolize violence or deliver the services their citizens expect – and yet despite this inability of states, we will nót see the development of viable alternatives to the state. I explain that this outcome and the problems associated with it – long civil wars, low rates of taxation, multiple challenges to state authority – are the result of the long-run development of the international system, specifically the decline of interstate war and colonial conquest. Weak states, far from being an aberration to the ‘normal' course of development, are a product of that development. For better or worse, we will continue to live in a state-dominated world where most states are weak.”

Arjun Chowdhury er førsteamanuensis i statsvitskap ved University of British Coloumbia. Hans forsking har fokusert på å forklare kvifor dei fleste statar i verda har utvikla seg som «svake statar» – ute av stand til å monopolisere vald eller å skaffe til vegar offentlege gode til fordel for innbyggjarane sine – og likevel klart å halde oppe staten som den sentrale eininga i verdspolitikken.

Forskingsdirektør ved NUPI, Ole Jacob Sending, leiar teoriseminaret.


Arjun Chowdhury
The University of British Columbia
26 september 2018
13:15 Europe/Oslo
Språk: Engelsk


  • Engelsk