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Teoriseminar: Political Memory and State Power – Holocaust Remembrance after Communism

Jelena Subotic undersøkjer i det nye prosjektet sitt om, og på kva måte, staten kan regulere korleis ein minnest store politiske hendingar.
24 januar 2019
13:15 Europe/Oslo
Språk: Engelsk


  • Digital
  • Engelsk
  • Teoriseminar


“This project explores the strength and limits of state power in regulating contested political memory. Specifically, I examine the political predicament of post-communist states which today are dealing with conflicting sources of ontological insecurity. They are anxious to be perceived as fully European by "core" European states, a status that remains fleeting. Being fully European, however, means sharing in the cosmopolitan European narratives of the 20th century, perhaps the strongest being the narrative of the Holocaust.

Exercising their state power by influencing European Union’s own memory politics and legislation, post-communist states have attempted to resolve these insecurities by undergoing a radical revision of their respective Holocaust remembrance where the memory, symbols, and imagery of the Holocaust become appropriated to represent crimes of communism.”

Jelena Subotic er professor i statsvitskap ved Georgia State University i Atlanta, USA. Ho har skrive to bøker, Hijacked Justice: Dealing with the Past på Balkan (Cornell University Press, 2009) og Yellow Star, Red Star: Holocaust Remembrance after Communism (kjem, Cornell University Press), og meir enn tjue vitskaplege artiklar. Subotic forskar på minnepolitikk, identitet og menneskerettar, med fokus på Aust-Europa.

Seniorforskar på NUPI, Benjamin de Carvalho, leiar teoriseminaret.


Jelena Subotic
Professor, Georgia State University
24 januar 2019
13:15 Europe/Oslo
Språk: Engelsk


  • Digital
  • Engelsk
  • Teoriseminar