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New Thrust or Dead End? Conditions for Oil Companies in Russia

This seminar will give a review of offshore tax and license policies and the business climate for international oil companies in Russia.
13 november 2013
13:00 Europe/Oslo

The Norwegian Institute of Foreign Affairs, NUPI, in cooperation with FNI and Econ Pöyry, has the pleasure of inviting you to the seminar:

"New Thrust or Dead End? Conditions for Oil Companies in Russia"

What are the conditions for companies operating on the Russian continental shelf? What are the trends in framework and tax conditions? How are foreign companies treated?

These are important questions for companies engaged in, or considering engagement in Russia, but also for appraisals of energy developments in Russia.

Researchers from the RussCasp project, financed by the Petrosam program of the Research Council of Norway, will present insights from new research on these issues and invite you to a seminar which will take place at NUPI 13th of November at 12.00.

Program 12.00 - 15.30:


Registration and light lunch






Arild Moe
, Deputy Director, Fridtjof Nansen Institute




The Business Climate for International Oil Companies in Russia


Indra Øverland
, Head of Russia, Eurasia and Arctic Research Group, NUPI




Offshore Tax Breaks: Motivation, Economic Effects and Stability Challenges


Lars Petter Lunden
, Researcher, Sigra Group




Coffee break




New License Realities: Has Russia Put All its Eggs in One Basket? And Why?


Daniel Fjærtoft,
Researcher, Sigra Group




New Offshore Policies: the Russian Context


Alexey Cherepovitsyn
 and Natalia Smirnova
, Department of Management and Organization, St. Petersburg Mineral Resources University




Discussion: Implications for foreign companies


Initiated by Petter Nore
, Chief Energy Analyst, Norwegian Ministry of Foreign Affairs



End of seminar

13 november 2013
13:00 Europe/Oslo