Gavkharkhon Mamadzhanova
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Gavkharkhon Mamadzhanova is OSCE Academy alumna and current visiting research fellow at NUPI in 2023. She has a bachelor's degree in corporate finance and master's degree in Economic Governance and Development program. She recently finished her internship at International Tax and Investment Center (ITIC) - Energy, Growth and Security program, and is interested in energy, climate and economic growth-related research areas.
2021 Master of Arts, Economic Governance and Development program, OSCE Academy in Bishkek
2020 Bachelor of Finance, Corporate Finance, KIMEP University
Work Experience
09.2022-12.2022 Intern at Energy, Growth, and Security Program, ITIC, Washington D.C.
11.2021-04.2022 Intern at the Office of Internal Oversight, OSCE Secretariat, Vienna
09.2021-10.2021 Intern at Research and Analytics Department, Z-Analytics Group, Dushanbe
01.2020-05.2020 Intern at Investments Department, RCG Kazakhstan
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