Projects & centers
NUPI's research projects, research programmes, and research centres.
Digital Attacks against the Norwegian Petroleum Sector (DISP)
This project is mapping the threats and the historical usage of digital weapons against critical infrastructures, as well as examining the problems arising from unclear responsibilities in responding ...
Nordic responses to Geopolitical challenges (GEONOR)
Which tools to politicians in the Nordic countries have available to them in a more challenging geopolitical sphere?...
Societal Transformation in Conflict Contexts (TRANSFORM)
In times of radical uncertainty and flux: how do individual actions inspire collective action or lead to new institutional practices in ways that determine the direction of a society?...
Security in Europe - Polish and Norwegian Perspectives (PISM_NUPI_Bilateral)
The main aim of this collaborative project (PISM and NUPI) is to map the Polish and Norwegian approaches towards various types of security related challenges in the European and regional context....
Developmentality and the anthropology of partnership (DevAnt)
The concept of partnership is central to the organisation of international development aid. This project will study the concept of partnership in theory and practice....
Preventing Violent Conflict
The project is commissioned by the World Bank and seeks to better understand how the interplay between international actors and domestic political actors affects efforts to prevent violent conflict....
Russian strategic communication and political ambitions in Europe (RUSSTRAT)
This projects will analyze Russian strategic communication on central European events of 2016 such as Brexit and the NATO summit in Warszaw....
NORDEFCO in a different security environment: Time for new initiatives?
The project looks closer on Norway’s cooperation with the other Nordic countries, with a particular focus on Nordic Defence Cooperation (NORDEFCO)....
Upholding the NATO cyber pledge: What does cyber deterrence and cyber resilience mean for NATO and Norway?
The aim of this project is to explore how and to what extent deterrence works in cyberspace or whether a focus on resilience as the new strategic logic is the way forward....
Overcoming Legal and Support Obstacles to Peacekeeping Strategic Force Generation (OLSOPSFG)
The projects looks at a a joint collaboration between Norway and other UN member states for a rotational agreement to provide a transport plane to MINUSMA....