Projects & centers
NUPI's research projects, research programmes, and research centres.
Systems of Tax Evasion and Laundering (STEAL)
The project seeks to identify Global Wealth Chains that are the articulation of organized activities between individuals or international entities, developed countries, developing countries, and tax h...
Economic Reform in Cuba, Phase 4
The aim of the project is to contribute to fostering debate and knowledge about institutional and economic reform in Cuba in light of experiences from other countries....
Non-tariff barriers, food safety and international food trade (NTB)
This project aims to provide new evidence on non-tariff barriers to trade in the Russian, Chinese, Ukrainian and other markets, and examine their cost and impact on trade. ...
Poverty, prices and international inequality
The project studies the methods used for measuring poverty and comparing real income in various countries, particularly methods that are used to adjust for differing price levels....
Russian and Caspian Energy Developments (RUSSCASP)
RUSSCASP aims to examine driving forces shaping Russian and Caspian energy exports, energy developments in the High North and the potential role of foreign energy companies in these regions. ...
India and globalisation: Regional disparities, industrial development and inclusive growth (INGRID)
This project aim to develop cooperation between Indian and Norwegian researchers related to the social impact of globalisation and related international policies. ...
Slums, states and citizens: Policing, welfare services and political participation among the urban poor in New Delhi, Nairobi and Durban
The primary objective is to contribute to an understanding of the constraints and opportunities for effective poverty alleviation among the urban poor....
Maritime Security in Southeast Asia
The project concerns maritime security and territorial issues in the important sea regions in Southeast Asia....