Kristin Fjæstad
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Kristin Fjæstad is a senior research fellow in the research group on Russia, Asia and international trade. She is one of the editors of the journal Internasjonal Politikk.
From August 2020, Fjæstad had a post doc position in the LORAX project. In this project, she worked on questions about how and by whom the Caspian Sea is defined as a regional ecosystem.
Fjæstad holds a PhD in International Relations from the University of St Andrews (2020). The PhD traces and examines Kazakhstan’s transition from a recipient to a donor of official development assistance and discusses this process through the prism of identity-building.
Fjæstad works predominantly on global development, development and foreign policy, as well as questions of identity, foreign policy and state formation in the former Soviet Union, in particular Central Asia.
2020 PhD, International Relations, University of St Andrews
2010 Mastergrad i utviklingsstudier, School of Oriental and African Studies, London
2008 Bachelor i økonomi, Universitetet i Oslo
2020-2025 Gruppeleder, RAIT
2020- Seniorforsker, NUPI
2013-2020 Forsker/doktorgradsstudent, NUPI
2011-2013 Vitenskapelig assistent, NUPI
2011 Lærer og forsker, OSSE-akademiet i Bisjkek
2010-2011 Internship/mediekonsulent, International Media Support (IMS), Danmark
2008 Praktikant, Norges ambassade i Baku, Aserbajdsjan
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The project consists of a wide range of activities including capacity-building of the OSCE Academy as a regional meeting point for research and education, support for two MA programmes in Politics and...
Performing statehood: Afghanistan as an arena for Central Asian states
Norway and Central Asia
This policy brief provides an overview of relations between Central Asia and Norway, and is part of the EU-CAM National Policies Series.
Demokratiske ideer og udemokratisk praksis: Internasjonal støtte til det kirgisiske parlamentet