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Manjana Milkoreit

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Manjana Milkoreit is part of the Research Group on Climate and Energy and holds a 20% position at NUPI in the project The pulling power of Paris. She is also a postdoctoral researcher at the University of Oslo. 

Her research integrates scholarship on global environmental governance and cognitive theory to study actor motivations, beliefs and agency, institutional design and effectiveness related to climate change. She is interested in challenges at the science-policy-society interface, including the use of scientific knowledge in environmental decision-making, and the role of ideologies in advancing or preventing effective societal responses to climate change. 

Milkoreit’s current research focusses on the role of future thinking (imagination) in sustainability transformations and the study of social tipping points.


2013 Ph.D. in Global Governance, University of Waterloo (Canada)

2007 Master in Public Policy (MPP), John F Kennedy School of Government, Harvard University (USA) 

Work Experience

2021- Postdoctoral Researcher, Department of Sociology and Human Geography, University of Oslo 

2016-2020 Assistant Professor, Department of Political Science, Purdue University (USA) 

2013-2016 Postdoctoral Researcher, Wrigley Global Futures Laboratory, Arizona State University (USA)


Research project
2022 (Ongoing)

The pulling power of Paris: Unpacking the role of ‘pledge & review’ in climate governance (PullP)

Will the Paris Agreement deliver on its promise and will the international community be able to avoid dangerous climate change? This project analyses the role of the governance architecture of the Par...

  • Diplomacy
  • Climate
  • United Nations
  • Diplomacy
  • Climate
  • United Nations

Research group for Climate and energy

How is the international climate regime evolving? What are the implications of climate policy and the transition to clean energy for international politics and economics? How will Norway’s position in the world be affected by these changes?
Renewable energy Workers walk between photovoltaic panels at the Benban plant in Aswan Egyp photo Scanpixt_cropped.jpg

Research group for Climate and energy

How is the international climate regime evolving? What are the implications of climate policy and the transition to clean energy for international politics and economics? How will Norway’s position in the world be affected by these changes?
Renewable energy Workers walk between photovoltaic panels at the Benban plant in Aswan Egyp photo Scanpixt_cropped.jpg