Ole Jacob Sending
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Ole Jacob Sending is Research Professor in the Research group for global order and diplomacy at NUPI.
Sending does research on global governance, with a particular focus on the role of international and non-governmental organizations in peacebuilding, humanitarian relief, and development. His publications have appeared, inter alia, in International Studies Quarterly, European Journal of International Relations, and International Theory.
2004 Dr. Polit., Department of Administration and Organization Theory, University of Bergen
1998 Master of Science, Political Science. Department of Political Science, SUNY, Albany, New York
1997 Cand. Mag., University of Bergen, Norway. (Economics, Political Science, Sociology)
Work Experience
2023- Research Professor, NUPI
2012-2023 Research Director, Norwegian Institute of International Affairs (NUPI)
2008-2009 Visiting Scholar, Fulbright Scholarship, Dept. of Sociology, UC Berkeley
2008- Senior Researcher, NUPI
2008-2014 Adjunct Senior Researcher, Chr. Michelsen Institute, Bergen
2006-2008 Senior Adviser, Policy Analysis Unit, Royal Ministry of Foreign Affairs, Norway
2003- Senior Researcher, NUPI
2002 Visiting Research Fellow, Stanford University (SCANCOR)
1999-2003 Research Fellow, NUPI, PhD Student, University of Bergen
Clear all filtersRecognition and Liquid Authority
To analyze how authority emerges, become institutionalized, and may be transformed, we are best served with a concept of authority that highlights its dynamic features, and that captures the multiplicity of actors involved in producing and sustaining it. Extant accounts tend to operate with a view of ‘solid’ authority, but such a concept of authority is mainly descriptive, not explanatory. A turn to the liquid features of authority is not only better suited to account for global authority, but also for those pockets of ‘solid’ authority that we can find in the global or international sphere. I develop an account of authority that draws selectively from some of Bourdieu’s core concepts and highlight the inherently relational aspect of authority. Authority, I submit, is based on actors’ search for recognition. Such a perspective is better able to account for how authority emerges and may stabilize as ‘solid,’ and also be transformed over time. I draw on examples from the World Health Organization and the UN Security Council to illustrate the argument.
Theory seminar: Co‐Managing International Crises: Judgements and Justifications
This is the title of the new book from Professor of International Relations at the Diplomatic Academy of Vienna, Markus Kornprobst, who is coming to NUPI to talk about it.
Political Asylum Deceptions: The Culture of Suspicion
The line between truth and lies is often elusive in political asylum matters. Carol Bohmer will look at the problems related to deception and suspicion in asylum matters.
Theory seminar: When War is Oikonomia by Other Means
NUPI has the pleasure of inviting you to a theory seminar with Patricia Owens from University of Sussex.
Theory Seminar: Beyond Reification and Deconstruction: Towards a Dialogical Approach to Theorizing International Politic
NUPI has the pleasure of inviting you to a theory seminar with Andreas Holmedahl Hvidsten from the Department of International Politics, University of Oslo. He recently defended his doctoral thesis "Beyond Reification and Deconstruction: Towards a Dialogical Approach to Theorizing International Politics". At the theory seminar, Hvidsten will present the final part of his dissertation, which will be distributed to those attending the seminar.
Theory Seminar: Ethnography as an approach to studying global policy regimes?
NUPI has the pleasure of inviting you to a theory seminar with Finn Stepputat, who is a senior researcher at DIIS.
Theory Seminar: Financialisation and Development
NUPI has the pleasure of inviting you to a theory seminar with Emma Mawdsley, University of Cambridge.
Urban Violence: International actors and armed violence reduction
What are the challenges of addressing social problems in the city and how can these best be managed? These are issues discussed at this seminar, arranged by NUPI and Norwegian Center for Humanitarian Studies (NCHS).
Theory Seminar: Hiearchies in World Politics
NUPI has the pleasure of inviting you to a theory seminar with Ayse Zarakol from University of Cambridge.