Africa in a changing global order: G20 membership and elusive peace in Somalia and Sudan
How can we understand the African Union’s evolving position in a changing global order from its role in the G20 and its peace initiatives in Somal...
Everyday nationalism amidst Russia’s war against
On 12 June Russia celebrated its national day, “Russia day”. This day is marked with concerts and celebrations in all the regions in the Russian F...
Verden er farligere, men bryr nordmenn seg?
En fersk NUPI-undersøkelse viser at 77 prosent av befolkningen er positive til at Norge skal støtte Ukraina i krigen mot Russland. Men i aldersgru...
Hvordan havnet Wagner i Afrika?
De lager vodka, har satt i gang en ølkrig med Frankrike, driver gruver, og lar en langhåret hipstertype i dress drive propagandamaskineriet. Men k...
Understanding Xi Jinping’s China
Over a year into Xi Jinping’s historic third five-year term as President, China continues to make headlines worldwide. Many of these headlines now...
The votes that can shape European security
2024 will be an important election year on both sides of the Atlantic.President Joe Biden and former President Donald Trump are yet again battling...
How ad hoc coalitions deinstitutionalize international institutions
As ad hoc coalitions (AHCs) proliferate, particularly on the African continent, two questions crystallize. First, what consequences do they bring...
Går verden slik vi kjenner den i oppløsning?
De fleste av oss har vokst opp med tanken om at verden blir bedre og bedre, det blir mindre fattigdom og krig og demokratiet sprer seg. Men nå er...
Kan Israel bli dømt for å sulte ihjel et helt folk?
Halvparten av befolkningen på Gazastripen sulter. Israel sier de forsvarer seg selv etter terrorangrepet 7. oktober, mens andre mener de bevisst p...
Building peace through a sustainable environment
Why should we connect the environment to issues of peace and conflict? And in a world of dramatically increased geopolitical tensions, is it possi...