Prestigious award to NUPI researcher
HONOURED: Iver B. Neumann is researcher at NUPI and professor at London School of Ecnomics. 23 February he was presented with the James N. Rosenau Achievement Award for his work.
HONOURED: Iver B. Neumann is researcher at NUPI and professor at London School of Ecnomics. 23 February he was presented with the James N. Rosenau Achievement Award for his work.
The International Studies Association (ISA) is the central federation for scholars working on international studies. Its 2017 conference will be held in Baltimore (USA) from 22 to 25 February.
Honoured for globalization research
Once again, NUPI will be strongly represented at the convention. Last week it was announced that Iver B. Neumann (NUPI and London School of Economics) received the prestigious James N. Rosenau Achievement Award on Thursday, 23 February.
The award honours the scholar who has made the most important contributions to globalization studies. It is named after James Rosenau, past president of the International Studies Association and a pioneer in globalization research.
‘Back in 1969, I came in second in a local ski race with two contestants, and was presented with a silver spoon. Since then, I‘ve only ever won two prizes, so this is very good news indeed’, Neumann comments on the award.
Lifetime award
Neumann is Montague Burton Professor of International Relations at London School of Economics, and maintains his career-long affiliation with NUPI as a Research Professor. He specialises in social theory, historical international relations, studies of Russian and Norwegian foreign policy and diplomacy.
The James N. Rosenau Achievement Award is a so-called lifetime award, honouring academic production throughout one’s whole scholar career.
‘But a central element here is probably the book I wrote with NUPI’s Research Director Ole Jacob Sending. It’s titled Governing the Global Polity, and was published by the University of Michigan Press in 2010. It was follow-up to the power and globalization review, which I led from 1999 to 2003 and which resulted in a book series with the Norwegian publisher Pax. The final book in the series is Regjering i Norge (Government in Norway).’
In addition to glory and honour, there is a cash award of USD 500.
The winner already has a clear plan for how to use that money:
‘New skis!’