Panel debate, "War in Europe: Nordic Cooperation in a Changing Security Environment"
Paneldebate, annual conference held in collaboration with the Foreign Ministry, the Nordic House, the Institute for Public Administration and Politics at the University of Iceland and the Icelandic Political Scientist Association.
Med krig i nærområdene, hvor går Norden?
Krigen i Ukraina har endret Norden. Med Sverige og Finland på vei inn i NATO åpnes nye muligheter for tettere nordisk samarbeid. Samtidig har Nordisk råd begynt å diskutere hvorvidt det er behov for å revidere Helsingforsavtalen – også omtalt som «Nordens grunnlov», slik at avtalen også omfatter det nordiske samarbeidet om sikkerhet og beredskap. Hvilke følger får den nye sikkerhetspolitiske situasjonen for det nordiske samarbeidet? Hva gjør endringene med Nordens posisjon – i Europa og verden? Skal vi ha en nordisk forsvarskommisjon, slik blant andre tidligere statsminister Magdalena Andersson nylig tok til orde for?
Norway and Poland as actors in a changing security landscape (NORPOLFACTOR)
The aim of the project is to develop enhanced knowledge of the security-related challenges, risks and threats Poland and Norway face in their strategic environment in the aftermath of the Russian inva...
NUPI team to take over as editors of the prestigious journal Cooperation and Conflict
Ingvild Brox Brodtkorb
Ingvild is a Junior Research Fellow at NUPI and works on Africa-Nordic Cooperation, Climate, Peace and Security, peacebuilding, peace operations a...
Tobias Etzold
Tobias Etzold (PhD) is a Senior Research Fellow in the Research Group for Security and Defense at NUPI. He mainly works as project leader of the C...
Globale Storbritannia i nord
In this project we aim to contribute to the emerging research on the UK’s quest for a new foreign, security and defence policy role at the dusk of the formal Brexit process....
Innovative project strengthened Norway's foreign policy in the Security Council
Nye allierte, nye mulighetsrom: Norge og Finland i en endret sikkerhetspolitisk kontekst (NORFIN)
his project will study how Finland and Norway refer and relate to each other as security and defence policy allies, what opportunities they see for learning and exchange of experience going forward, a...