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Article in business/trade/industry journal

The Impact and Response to Misinformation, Disinformation, Malinformation and Hate Speech in the Digital Era

Written by

Lotte Vermeij
Former visiting research fellow at the Norwegian Institute of International Affairs
Andrew E. Yaw Tchie
Senior Research Fellow
Charlotte Gisler
Angus Lambkin
Angela Schweizer
Mariam Yazdani
Angus Lambkin


Cedric H. de Coning
Research Professor
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Over the past decades, the use of misinformation, malinformation, disinformation and hate speech (MDMH) has contributed to the escalation of violence in environments where the United Nations deployed Peacekeeping Operations (UN PKO).
The widespread utilisation of modern technology in UN PKO environments raises the magnitude of the MDMH threat. In some settings, MDMH places communities and peacekeepers at risk of harm, but more broadly, MDMH places UN PKOs in ever more challenging situations which they are often incapable of responding to. The spread of information by actors as part of hearts and minds campaigns and other information strategies to bring populations on the ground on their side is nothing new. Simultaneously, the diffusion of rumours and false information can contribute
to the escalation of tensions between and within groups and communities and result in widespread violence. All of these can support and contribute to the intensification and acceleration of MDMH, impacting not only the conflict dynamics but also the use of indiscriminate violence. The online uptake of MDMH may further aggravate these dynamics. It can undermine the stability of mission environments, local conflicts, indiscriminate use of violence by non-state and state actors, impact detrimentally on human rights, and jeopardise overall processes of achieving and sustaining peace and supporting its processes.
The report draws on four UN PKOs as case studies and hinges further analysis on two UN PKOs to provide and understand context specific examples of the rising challenges that UN PKO face with MDMH. This report by the Effectiveness of Peace Operations Network (EPON) in collaboration with Norwegian Capacity (NORCAP) and Training for Peace sets out to explore some of these key developments and challenges questioning, what is the impact of MDMH on UN PKO’s and their ability to effectively implement their mandates? What efforts have the selected UN PKO’s
taken to respond to MDMH? What are the lessons identified and recommendations for UNPKOs to address MDMH?
  • Published year: 2024
  • Publisher: Norsk Utenrikspolitisk Institutt
  • Page count: 114
  • Language: English
  • Journal: EPON Report


  • Africa
  • Peace operations
  • Conflict
  • Fragile states
  • United Nations

Written by

Lotte Vermeij
Former visiting research fellow at the Norwegian Institute of International Affairs
Andrew E. Yaw Tchie
Senior Research Fellow
Charlotte Gisler
Angus Lambkin
Angela Schweizer
Mariam Yazdani
Angus Lambkin
Relevant innhold
Research project
Research project
Effectiveness of Peace Operations Network