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Malin Øren Aldal

Research assistant

Contactinfo and files


Malin works as a research assistant in the Research Group on Climate and Energy. Here she works on the Pullp-project, which analyses the role of the governance architecture of the Paris Agreement in mobilising states’ climate policy ambition. Malin has a master’s degree in political science from the University of Oslo, where her thesis sought to explore cases of increased mitigation ambition under the Paris Agreement.  


  • Climate
  • Energy


2021-2023 Master’s degree in political science, University of Oslo

2020 Bachelor’s degree in political Science, University of Oslo

Work Experience

2022- Student leader, Pådriv Student Association

2022 Intern - SoCentral


Research project
2022 (Ongoing)

The pulling power of Paris: Unpacking the role of ‘pledge & review’ in climate governance (PullP)

Will the Paris Agreement deliver on its promise and will the international community be able to avoid dangerous climate change? This project analyses the role of the governance architecture of the Par...

  • Diplomacy
  • Climate
  • United Nations
  • Diplomacy
  • Climate
  • United Nations

Research group for Climate and energy

How is the international climate regime evolving? What are the implications of climate policy and the transition to clean energy for international politics and economics? How will Norway’s position in the world be affected by these changes?
Renewable energy Workers walk between photovoltaic panels at the Benban plant in Aswan Egyp photo Scanpixt_cropped.jpg

Research group for Climate and energy

How is the international climate regime evolving? What are the implications of climate policy and the transition to clean energy for international politics and economics? How will Norway’s position in the world be affected by these changes?
Renewable energy Workers walk between photovoltaic panels at the Benban plant in Aswan Egyp photo Scanpixt_cropped.jpg