Morten Bøås
Morten Bøås (PhD) is Research Professor and works predominantly on issues concerning peace and conflict in Africa, including issues such as land r...
Morten Skumsrud Andersen
Morten S. Andersen is a Senior Research Fellow and Head of the Research group on Global order and Diplomacy. In addition to a focus on theoretical...
Natalia Moen-Larsen
Natalia Moen-Larsen is a senior research fellow in the research group on Russia, Asia and International Trade. Her research interests are culture...
Niels Nagelhus Schia
Niels Nagelhus Schia is a research professor specializing in the intersection of new technology and international relations. He leads the Research...
Nina Græger
Nina Græger is research professor at NUPI, in the Research group on global order and diplomacy and professor in international relations at the Uni...
Nomin Batsukh
Nomin is a visiting research fellow at NUPI and part of the Climate and Energy Research Group. Her research focuses on climate change, energy tran...
Ole Jacob Sending
Ole Jacob Sending is Research Professor in the Research group for global order and diplomacy at NUPI.Sending does research on global governance, w...
Ole Martin Stormoen
Ole Martin Stormoen is a doctoral research fellow associated with NUPI's Research group on security and defence and has previously been a research...
Ole Mathias Rustad
Ole is a master student at NUPI. He is pursuing a master's degree in political science at the University of Oslo. During his bachelor’s degree in...
Paul Beaumont
Paul Beaumont received a Ph.D. in International Relations/International Environmental Studies and Development from the Norwegian University of Lif...