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EU–US Relations in Times of Crises

Screenshot 2022-05-27 at 10.43.21.png


In light of the crises discussed in this volume, and US foreign policy shifts under Donald Trump and beyond, scholars and observers have started questioning the viability of the transatlantic relationship and the liberal order more broadly, including its implications for Europe. This chapter asks how crises have affected EU–US relations and what, if any, has been the impact of changing transatlantic relations on EU foreign policy integration. We discuss the transatlantic partners’ increasingly diverging foreign policy orientations following a changing US focus and geopolitical environment. We also examine how the new transnational cleavage influences contemporary and future EU–US relations. We find evidence in support of a weaker EU–US relationship. Findings also suggest that the EU mainly has become more unified in response to this crisis in transatlantic relations.


  • Foreign policy
  • North America
  • The EU