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Åsmund Weltzien

Head of Communications

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+47 97 09 11 66
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Åsmund Weltzien is Head of Communications at NUPI. He has a major (hovedfag) in social anthropology from the University of Oslo, and has previously worked as a researcher and research leader in Telenor R&D and as a diplomat and executive officer in the Ministry of Foreign Affairs.

Weltzien works to promote NUPI's research to a wide audience and to the users of our research. He is particularly committed to helping NUPI's researchers create social and scientific impact, to improve our digital communication through development and experimentation, and to build networks of professionals, users and stakeholders where knowledge and insight are shared across institutions and sectors.

In Telenor, Weltzien's own research was focused on the development of new digital technologies and how information and influence spread in social networks. In the Ministry of Foreign Affairs, he has worked with various fields such as Norwegian climate policy, security policy, and European policy. From 2011, Weltzien was part of the Foreign Ministry's "Reflex Project", which was to contribute to the development of foreign policy through public debate on central foreign policy issues.

Weltzien has been Head of Communications at NUPI since 2013.


  • Foreign policy


NUPIpoddden #15: Hvilken liberal orden?

NUPIpoddden #15: Hvilken liberal orden?

Vi hører stadig at den internasjonale liberale orden er i krise. På den ene siden er den utsatt for press utenfra, fra stater som Russland og Kina...

  • Security policy
  • Foreign policy
  • Nationalism
  • Insurgencies
  • Governance
  • Security policy
  • Foreign policy
  • Nationalism
  • Insurgencies
  • Governance
NUPIpodden #16: Utenrikspolitikken som forsvant i isen

NUPIpodden #16: Utenrikspolitikken som forsvant i isen

Russland, USA og Kina vender blikket nordover. Men nordområdepolitikk ender ofte som lokaldebatt. Hvor er utenrikspolitikken i nord? NUPIs Åsmund...

  • Defence
  • Diplomacy
  • Foreign policy
  • The Nordic countries
  • Defence
  • Diplomacy
  • Foreign policy
  • The Nordic countries

C-suite strategies for responsible AI

Microsoft and NBIM executives visited NUPI to deliberate on the geopolitics of artificial intelligence.
  • Security policy
  • Cyber
  • Globalisation
  • Diplomacy
  • Global governance

Communications department

The Communications department's core activities are publishing, seminars, conferences, library services, media contact, school oriented services and development and maintenance of NUPI's website.



Seven new research projects to NUPI

Exciting new research on topics ranging from energy and climate, cyber security and vulnerable states will be done by NUPI in the coming years. Seven new research projects have won funding from the Research Council of Norway. A total of 260 applications were funded, in fierce competition with over to thousand applicants.
  • Cyber
  • International economics
  • Europe
  • Fragile states
  • Climate
  • Energy

Norwegians adapting to a changing world

The world as we have come to know it is changing. Some of the core principles of the rules-based liberal international order are being challenged. The established truths and practices that we have based our foreign policies on are put into question. How do Norwegians respond to these changes? What are their views of Norwegian foreign policy? Just before the Corona crisis hit Norway, NUPI conducted an opinion poll in the Norwegian population asking about foreign and security policy. The answers we got tell the story of a people adapting reluctantly to international change.Read the full report here.

  • Security policy
  • Foreign policy
  • Security policy
  • Foreign policy
10:30 - 12:00
10:30 - 12:00
6. Jun 2018
10:30 - 12:00

Fisheries Resources Management in tomorrow’s Indonesia

Minister of Marine Affairs and Fisheries of the Republic of Indonesia, Ms Susi Pudjiastuti, visits NUPI to talk about how the country will handle the severe challenges it faces in the years to come regarding national food security.


Sikkerhetspolitiske rammebetingelser i bevegelse

(Available in Norwegian only): Verden preges av mer kompleksitet og usikkerhet enn på flere tiår. Kanskje har vi har allerede vent oss til hyppigere omveltninger. Mennesker er tilpasningsdyktige. Kanskje har vi ikke fullt ut tatt inn rekkevidden – også for Norge – av skredet av hendelser og endring i Europa og internasjonal sikkerhetspolitikk siden 2014. Norges sikkerhetspolitiske omland har blitt mer polarisert og mer fragmentert. Samtidig er noe dypere synliggjort; grunnpilarene for norsk sikkerhets og forsvarspolitikk er i bevegelse. Retningen er også mindre medstrøms for småstaten Norge enn nordmenn har vent seg til i nærmest hele perioden etter den andre verdenskrig. Denne analysen belyser utviklingstrekk som påvirker rammebetingelsene for Norges sikkerhet. Noen trekk skiller seg ut: Geopolitisk maktforskyvning utfordrer den institusjonaliserte verdensorden, og USA har vist tegn til å en mer avventende holdning til rollen som garantist og ledende stormakt. Samtidig kan et mer komplekst trusselbilde tvinge NATO til endringer som utfordrer samholdet i alliansen. Sett fra et norsk ståsted: Hvilke dilemmaer, utfordringer og nøkkelspørsmål vil kunne møte norske beslutningstakere i årene som kommer?

  • Security policy
  • NATO
  • Foreign policy
  • Security policy
  • NATO
  • Foreign policy

Russian foreign policy as an instrument for domestic mobilization

Despite numerous declarations, the Russian authorities have done very little about domestic reforms, such as economic modernization. By contrast, Russia’s external policy has been extremely active, and is extensively debated within Russia itself. On the surface, it may seem that the domestic agenda is fully suppressed by the external one. In reality, however, foreign policy plays an important instrumental role, as the main tool for achieving domestic consensus and mobilization. It is public approval of the country’s foreign policy, together with ‘Russia-friendly’ interpretations of international processes, that create openings for the political elite to postpone domestic reforms. Various strategies for domestic reforms have recently been elaborated on the order of the President – but there are no indications that they will be realized anytime soon.

  • Russia and Eurasia
  • Russia and Eurasia
1 - 10 of 201 items