Ulf Sverdrup
Contactinfo and files
Ulf Sverdrup was the Director of the Norwegian Institute of International Affairs (NUPI) from 2011 to 2023.
Sverdrup led a government appointed commission on the long-term perspectives for the Norwegian Government Pension Fund Global, and he was the Head of the Secretariat for the Official Norwegian Europe Review (NOU 2012:2.)
Sverdrup published extensively on various topics in international politics, with a particular emphasis on European affairs and Norwegian foreign policy.
2000 Dr. polit, Arena/Department of political science, University of Oslo
1993 Cand. polit, University of Bergen
Work Experience
2011-2023 Director, NUPI
2010-2011 Head of the Secretariat for the Official Norwegian Europe Review (NOU 2012:2)
2000-2011 Research professor at ARENA, Centre for European Studies, at the University of Oslo
2008-2010 Professor at BI
Clear all filtersTransatlantic free trade and its economic impact
What is the impact of TTIP on third countries like Norway?
Europe in transition – Small states and Europe in an age of global shifts (EUNOR)
What is the significance of the EU for small states in Europe today?...
Societal inclusion in expert venues: Participation of interest groups and business in the european commission expert groups
De vanskelige spørsmålene - etter terrroren i Paris
Angrepene i Paris har rystet oss alle. På lengre sikt blir to spørsmål særlig viktige: sikkerhet og integrering....Det følger derfor noen klare og langsiktige politiske konsekvenser av Paris. For det første må vi se på balansen mellom sikkerhet og velferd. For det andre må vi erkjenne at islam er en del av Europa og Norge, at de fleste muslimer er støttende til vårt samfunn, og at det haster å skape effektive møteplasser