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Morten Bøås

Research Professor

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Morten Bøås (PhD) is Research Professor and works predominantly on issues concerning peace and conflict in Africa, including issues such as land rights and citizenship conflicts, youths, ex-combatants and the new landscape of insurgencies and geopolitics.

Bøås has authored, co-authored and co-edited several books and published a number of articles for academic journals. He has conducted in-depth fieldwork in a number of African countries and travelled widely elsewhere on the continent.


  • Terrorism and extremism
  • Development policy
  • Africa
  • Peace operations
  • Conflict
  • Fragile states
  • Migration
  • Insurgencies
  • International organizations


2001 Dr.Polit. (Ph.D) in Political Science, University of Oslo

1995 The CRE/Copernicus Seminar on Environmental Law

1994 Cand.Polit., in Political Science, University of Oslo

Work Experience

2013- Research professor, NUPI

2010-2012 Head of Research, Fafo’s Institute for Applied International Studies

2002-2010 Research Fellow, Fafo



Local Drivers of Violent Extremism in Central Mali

This policy brief examines the processes of violent extremist mobilisation and radicalisation in Mopti, Central Mali. Specifically, it looks at the strategies employed by one of the most salient radical jihadist groups in the region, the Katiba Macina. It seeks to answer the following questions: 1) Given that violent extremist mobilisation has not taken root uniformly across regions in Mali, and because it is often endogenous to local dynamics, how has Mopti as a region become an enabling environment for jihadist actors like the Katiba Macina? 2) How do groups like the Katiba Macina mobilise local support and integrate themselves among communities? 3) Why do individuals join, adhere to or accept the Katiba Macina?

  • Terrorism and extremism
  • Africa
  • Conflict
  • Fragile states
  • Migration
  • Insurgencies
  • Terrorism and extremism
  • Africa
  • Conflict
  • Fragile states
  • Migration
  • Insurgencies
Research project
2019 - 2021 (Completed)

Migration and Development: Sharing knowledge between Norway and Poland (MiDeShare)

The aim of this project is to improve our understanding of the relationship between migration and development in order to suggest more effective policies for addressing root causes of migration in wea...

  • Development policy
  • The Middle East and North Africa
  • Africa
  • Humanitarian issues
  • Conflict
  • Fragile states
  • Migration
  • Development policy
  • The Middle East and North Africa
  • Africa
  • Humanitarian issues
  • Conflict
  • Fragile states
  • Migration

Konflikt, ustabilitet og migranter: "post-Gaddafi blues" i Sahel

(In norwegian only) Hvilke lærdommer kan vi trekke av bombingen av Libya i 2011? Var krigføringen i tråd med krigens folkerett? Brøt norske myndigheter grunnloven i forbindelse med krigsdeltagelsen? Levde media opp til sitt samfunnsoppdrag så lenge krigføringen i Libya pågikk? Ble det norske folk holdt for narr om de egentlige årsakene til krigen? Og hva ble konsekvensene av Libya-krigen for nasjonen Libya, regionen og verdenssamfunnet? Libya: Krigens uutholdelige letthet setter et kritisk søkelys på Norges deltagelse i den Nato-ledete operasjonen i Libya. Blant forfatterne finner vi folkerettsjurister, historikere, militære, statsvitere og professorer i journalistikk og fredsforskning. Et felles utgangspunkt for alle bidragsyterne er spørsmålet om hva norske politikere, militære og det norske folk kan og bør lære av Norges første krig i Afrika.

  • Defence
  • NATO
  • The Middle East and North Africa
  • Conflict
  • Defence
  • NATO
  • The Middle East and North Africa
  • Conflict
11:00 - 12:00
11:00 - 12:00
28. Aug 2019
11:00 - 12:00

Breakfast seminar: The EU in the Sahel – from good intentions to Europe first?

Researchers from some of the world's leading institutes have in a three-year project looked into which local impacts the EU crisis response has had in the areas where they have taken place, and how the EU can improve its response mechanisms.


Mali's Religious Leaders and the 2018 Presidential Elections

Mali is by constitution a secular state, but here as elsewhere in the Sahel the role of religious leaders is increasing both in the social and the political sphere. This HYRES research brief explains how, why, and in what ways religious leaders tried to gain influence in the 2018 presidential campaign. While the research brief shows that there has been a fusion of politics and religion that can increase the political influence of Malian religious leaders, such engagement can also be a double-edged sword as Malians tend to see ‘politics as dirty’ and not a field that pious men of faith should get too deeply involved in.

  • Terrorism and extremism
  • Africa
  • Conflict
  • Fragile states
  • Insurgencies
  • Terrorism and extremism
  • Africa
  • Conflict
  • Fragile states
  • Insurgencies
20:00 - 21:30
Kværneland, The House of Literature in Oslo
20:00 - 21:30
Kværneland, The House of Literature in Oslo
4. Jun 2019
20:00 - 21:30
Kværneland, The House of Literature in Oslo

Walls and other boundaries to irregular migration: is the US approach that different from the European one?

At this seminar 5 June, we will take a closer look at the policies implemented in areas bordering Europe and ask how this affects the neighboring countries and migration flows.


Sunnism, Salafism, Sheikism: Urban Pathways of Resistance in Sidon, Lebanon

This brief analyses Salafism as an urban phenomenon, with an emphasis on the contentious period following the Syrian uprising turned civil war (2011–present). To understand Salafism’s popular appeal, it is necessary to examine the pathways of resistance in specific urban contexts. In Lebanon, Salafism expanded from its Tripoli centre to secondary towns and cities such as Sidon, where Sheikh Ahmad Assir’s neo-Salafism became a political force and can be classified as a “new social movement”. Neo-Salafism, is not built on religious credentials and authority, but combines populism with sectarianism. This also accounts for its popular appeal, especially after 2011, when the Syrian conflict stoked Sunni-Shia tensions and anti-Hizbollah rhetoric. The erosion of Sunni political pre-eminence (“Sunnism”) and the crises in the Sunni religious (Dar al-Fatwa) and political establishment (Future Movement), prompted a temporary shift from “Harirism” to “Sheikism” that transferred the moral leadership of the Sunni community from the political elite to the lay town preacher; Sheikh Ahmad al-Assir. This also involved a shift in the locus of contentious politics from the capital Beirut to secondary cities such as Sidon and a strategic shift from electoral politics to grassroots’ protests, sit-ins and rallies. Ultimately this led to an armed confrontation that crushed the Assir-movement, eroded its popular support and was followed by an electoral defeat that made political elites reassert control. HYRES – Hybrid Pathways to Resistance in the Islamic World HYRES studies the interaction between Islamist movements and the state in the cases of Iraq, Lebanon, Libya and Mali, and is designed to answer the following question: Why do some Islamist groups pursue their political and religious project within the state to which they belong – while other Islamist groups refuse to accept these borders, seeking instead to establish new polities, such as restoring the Islamic Caliphate?

  • Terrorism and extremism
  • The Middle East and North Africa
  • Conflict
  • Fragile states
  • Terrorism and extremism
  • The Middle East and North Africa
  • Conflict
  • Fragile states
15:15 - 17:00
15:15 - 17:00
11. Jun 2019
15:15 - 17:00

Constructed anarchy: governance, conflict and precarious property rights in Bukavu, DR Congo

What is the nexus between conflict, property rights and land governance in some parts of DR Congo?

16:00 - 17:30
16:00 - 17:30
5. May 2019
16:00 - 17:30

CANCELLED: How can the EU improve its crisis response?

One month ago, the NUPI-led and Horizon 2020-funded research project EUNPACK was finalised. This seminar will provide an opportunity to look back at three years of research and fieldwork to consider the policy implications of its findings.


The violence in Mali is getting bloodier, but religion is not necessarily at its root

The massacre of Fulani in central Mali on 23 March marks a grave, new turn in the conflict. How did we get here? NUPI researchers Natasja Rupesinghe and Morten Bøås provide insight into possible reasons.

  • Africa
  • Humanitarian issues
  • Conflict
  • Fragile states
  • Migration
  • Insurgencies
  • Governance
51 - 60 of 151 items