Ole Martin Stormoen
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Ole Martin Stormoen is a doctoral research fellow associated with NUPI's Research group on security and defence and has previously been a research assistant and coordinator for the Consortium for Research on Terrorism and International Crime.
Stormoen's PhD maps and analyzes Norwegian strategic culture and examines how strategic culture changes, and the mechanisms through which change occur. He has published work on Norwegian defense strategy and US-Norwegian military relations. In addition to defense, security and foreign policy, his research interests are causes of political violence, terrorism and extremism, with a main focus on jihadism, and various countermeasures against these.
He has a master's degree in Peace and Conflict Studies from the University of Oslo where he has also studied Arabic and Middle Eastern studies. He has worked at NUPI since 2018, with prior work experience from The Norwegian Military Academy and the Norwegian Armed Forces (KFOR)
Clear all filtersResearch group for Security and Defence
Research group for Security and Defence
Risikovurderingsverktøy mot terrorisme og ekstremisme: Erfaringer fra kriminalomsorgen i Nederland, Storbritannia, og Sverige
Spesialiserte verktøy for å vurdere enkeltpersoners risiko for å bli innblandet i terrorisme og voldelig ekstremisme har blitt en sentral del av mange europeiske lands antiterrorarbeid. Denne rapporten gir en oversikt over tre lands ulike beslutninger om å ta i bruk ett av de to mest veletablerte verktøyene brukt i Europa for å vurdere individuell risiko for terrorisme. Både Nederland og Sverige bruker VERA-2R (Violent Extremism Risk Assessment, andre og reviderte versjon) til å vurdere risiko blant innsatte i fengsler, mens Storbritannia benytter ERG22+ (Extremism Risk Guidelines 22+) for det samme formålet. Rapporten ser på hvorfor landene satte i gang med spesialisert vurdering av risiko for terrorisme, belyser de tidlige erfaringer med implementeringen av disse, og peker på noen viktige valg tatt underveis. Rapportens siste del skisserer viktige lærdommer fra hver av de tre landene og analyserer dem i lys av den fortsatt sparsomme forskningslitteraturen på spesialisert terrorismerelatert risikovurdering.
WEBINAR: Understanding the global far right: lessons from India
How global is the far right?
WEBINAR: Jihad in the Sahel: Actors, developments and context
Who are the jihadi insurgents, why are they gaining ground, and what are the likely future developments in the Sahel?
US-Norway Bilateral Defense Agreements: a partnership that strengthens NATO
The defense partnership between the United States and Norway plays a crucial role for both American and Norwegian national defense. Less understood is the important and positive role that these US-Norwegian bilateral defense agreements (BLDAs) have for NATO. In the words of the Norwegian government, “NATO is the foundation of Norwegian security, and the USA is Norway’s most important ally.” In practical terms, US-Norwegian BLDAs are the glue that binds the US, Norway, and NATO together. This policy brief elaborates this point by offering a short exploration of the following: 1) NATO’s connection to the bilateral US-Norwegian defense relationship; 2) an overview of how and why BLDAs are used in the US-Norwegian defense relationship, 3) a review of different BLDA types, and 4) an overview of key bilateral US-Norwegian defense agreements.
Report on development and use of risk-assessment tools for violent extremism
This project shall examine the development and use of risk-assessment tools related to violent extremism, and elucidate the evidential basis on which the tools are built....
The Consortium for research on terrorism and international crime in 2019
Prison radicalization, returning foreign fighters and accelerationist terrorism were just some of the topics on the Consortium’s agenda during the last twelve months.
New frameworks for Norwegian security and defence policy (TEOTEK)
This project aims to employ diverse theoretical perspectives to enhance our understanding of the development of new technology, and its consequences and implications for Norwegian security and defence...
The frustrating nature of international counter-terrorism partnerships
Fighting terrorism requires wide-ranging cooperation between states. What does such cooperation look like in practice, and does it work?