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Street view of the city Bucha in the Kyiv Region of Ukraine. Destroyed infrastructure and military vehicles.
Foto: Pressekontoret til Presidenten av Ukraina /

Dealing with the challenge of political warfare in the COVID-19 and Ukraine war context

This project will investigate how Nordic and Black Sea Region must be prepared to meet and deal with the challenges posed by political warfare.


  • Defence
  • Security policy
  • NATO
  • Foreign policy
  • Russia and Eurasia
  • Conflict
  • The EU


The project aims to develop and further consolidate the understanding and knowledge of how societies and institutions in the Nordic and Black Sea Region must be prepared to meet and deal with the challenges posed by political warfare and the use of various instruments of power which fall short of kinetic warfare. 

By examining the use of various instruments of national power by actors challenging the existing liberal-democratic order and international law, the project aims to map what instruments of national power short of military one are at the disposal of revanchist states operating in the two regions. 

The project aims to provide policy relevant advice for citizens and institutions dealing with the challenge of political warfare in the regions in question. In addition, the project will conduct public opinion surveys in Romania and Norway to map how the ongoing war in Ukraine has changed perceptions of security in both countries and how these changes should be factored in in the process of policy making in Romania and Norway and in international organisations these two countries are members of or are affiliated with.

Project Manager

Jakub M. Godzimirski
Research Professor


Julie Wilhelmsen
Research Professor, Head of the Research group for Russia, Asia and International Trade
Karsten Friis
Research Professor
Natalia Moen-Larsen
Senior Research Fellow

New publications


Norway and Romania: Navigating Information Warfare

The study "Norway and Romania: Navigating Information Warfare" explores the use of disinformation, propaganda, and interference to manipulate public discourse amid the Ukraine war. It discusses how these tactics exploit historical and border sensitivities to delegitimize Ukraine and distract from the global economic impacts of Russian aggression. The research highlights how such strategies shift blame and reshape international perceptions favorably towards Russia. The study analyzes how Russian political warfare manifests itself in both Norway and Romania, dwelling on the particularities of each country. This study is one of deliverables of the FLANKS II project conducted jointly by New Strategy Center in Romania and the Norwegian Institute of International Affairs (NUPI) in Oslo.

  • Security policy
  • Europe
  • Russia and Eurasia
  • Conflict
Skjermbilde 2024-08-06 kl. 09.27.16.png
  • Security policy
  • Europe
  • Russia and Eurasia
  • Conflict