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CHIP Annual Lecture 2020-2021: On Becoming International

NUPIs Center for Historical International Politics (CHIP) inviterer deg til dette seminaret med Jens Bartelson.
08 september 2022
11:00 Europe/Oslo
Språk: Engelsk


  • Engelsk
  • Seminar
  • Fysisk

"Most students of international relations quite naturally assume that their inquiries are confined to a preexisting international domain distinct from its component parts as well as from other domains of inquiry. But how and when did this international realm emerge, and how has its existence become so widely taken for granted? Whereas scholars have long disputed exactly when this happened, they have been in broad agreement that this happened as a consequence of a largely simultaneous transition from a world of empires to a world of states.

In his talk, Jens Bartelson will sketch the outlines of an alternative account of the emergence of the international realm focused instead how relations between different polities have been conceptualized across a variety of cultural and historical contexts from the sixteenth century to the present day, arguing that rather than superseding a world of empires, the international realm is best understood as a continuation of that world by other means: as an empire of the international."

Seminaret er i regi av NUPIs Centre for Historical International Politics (CHIP).

Jens Bartelson fekk doktorgrada si frå Universitetet i Stockholm i 1993. Hans interessefelt inkluderer internasjonal politisk teori, politisk idéhistorie, politisk filosofi og sosial teori. Jens Bartelson har hovudsakleg skrive om omgrepet den suverene staten, filosofien i verdssamfunnet, og begripe krig i internasjonale tenking.

Han er forfattaren av "War in International Thought (Cambridge University Press, 2017), Visions of World Community (Cambridge University Press, 2009), The Critique of the State (Cambridge University Press, 2001), A Genealogy of Sovereignty (Cambridge University Press, 1995)" i tillegg til artiklar i leiande tidsskrift om internasjonale relasjonar, internasjonal rett, politisk teori og sosiologi.


Jens Bartelson
Professor, Universitetet i Lund
08 september 2022
11:00 Europe/Oslo
Språk: Engelsk


  • Engelsk
  • Seminar
  • Fysisk