'The loud dissenter and its cautious partner'-Russia, China, global governance and humanitarian intervention
"A New Kind of Arctic Power? Russia's Policy Discourses and Diplomatic Practices in the Circumpolar North"
Attitudes Toward Tbilisi- and Mingrelian-Accented Georgian Among Georgian Youth: On the Road to Linguistic Homogenization?
Petroleum revenue and Caspian security, conflict driver or means of conflict resolution
Russian Energy in a Changing World: What is the Outlook for the Hydrocarbons Superpower
For a long time Russia’s position as a key global energy player has enhanced Moscow’s international economic and political influence whilst causing concern amongst other states fearful of becoming too dependent on Russia as an energy supplier. The Global Financial Crisis shook this established image of Russia as an indispensable energy superpower, immune to negative external influences and revealed the full extent of Russia’s dependence on oil and gas for economic and political influence. This led to calls from within the country for a new approach where energy resources were no longer regarded wholly as an asset, but also a potential curse resulting in an over reliance on one sector thwarting modernization of the economy and the country as a whole. In this fascinating and timely volume leading Russian and Western scholars examine various aspects of Russian energy policy and the opportunities and constraints that influence the choices made by the country’s energy decision makers. Contributors focus on Russia’s energy relations with the rest of the world alongside internal debates about the need for diversification and modernisation in a changing economy, country and world system where overdependence on energy commodities has become a key concern for customer and supplier alike.
Institusjonaliseringen av Russlands moderniseringsprosess. Fra Medvdevs kommisjon til Putins råd (Institutionalisation of Russia’s modernization...
Gazprom vs. other Russian gas producers: The evolution of the Russian gas sector