Teoriseminar: Mai’a K. Davis Cross om: International Cooperation Against All Odds: The Ultrasocial World
Mai’a K. Davis Cross recasts how we understand international relations through an examination of how the human evolutionary predisposition to be "ultrasocial" as a species impacts which political ideas succeed, transform, manipulate, and inspire on a global scale. In the last 10-20 years, scientists have discovered that as a species, we are biologically hard-wired, soft-wired, and pre-wired to be other-regarding and cooperative. Her talk, based on her recent book, International Cooperation Against All Odds: The Ultrasocial World, will discuss how time and time again our ultrasocial predisposition has pushed us towards big ideas that inspire and bring us together around the power of possibility. Case studies will include outer-space exploration, European Union integration, nuclear weapons, and climate change.
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