Lucas de Oliveira Paes
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Lucas de Oliveira Paes er seniorforsker og post-doc. i Forskningsgruppen for Russland, Asia og internasjonal handel på NUPI. Han jobber med det ERC-finansierte forskningsprosjektet Lorax Project: Understanding Ecosystemic Politics. Han har doktorgrad i politikk og internasjonale studier fra University of Cambridge.
I doktorgradprosjektet sitt brukte han nettverksteori og analyse for å studere internasjonale hierarkier og politikk knyttet til globale og regionale ordener. Forskningsinteressene hans fokuserer på relasjonelle perspektiver på dynamikker knyttet til ordener, hierarkier, suverenitet, regionalisme og IR-teori mer generelt. I LORAX-prosjektet studerer Lucas politikken knyttet til økosystemer i regnskogen i Amazonas.
2020 Doktorgrad i politikk og internasjonale studier, University of Cambridge
2016 Master i internasjonale strategiske studier, Federal University of Rio Grande do Sul, Brasil
2014 Bachelor i internasjonale studier, Federal University of Rio Grande do Sul, Brasil
2020- Seniorforsker, NUPI
2018-2020 Sjefredaktør, Cambridge Review of International Affairs
2017-2018 Redaktør, Cambridge Review of International Affairs
2016-2017 Forskningsassistent, Josef Korbel School of International Studies, University of Denver, United States
2014-2016 Forsker, Center for International Studies on Government, Brazil
Tøm alle filtreAnnex to the report 'Norway’s strategic dependencies in global supply chain networks'
This annex is connected to the NUPI Report 'Norway’s strategic dependencies in global supply chain networks' found here:
Norway’s strategic dependencies in global supply chain networks
Economic interdependence and global supply chains are being investigated anew. For a long time, a belief in the ability of growing economic ties to foster cooperation, dampen conflict, and enhance prosperity was predominant in academic and political thinking alike. However, these assumptions have recently proven to be half-truths at best. Rather than dampen conflict, the asymmetries of global supply chains have turned them into coercive tools for the powerful to wield against the powerless. Through sanctions and export controls, states controlling vital chokepoints in global economic networks can cause harm in targeted states, and through controlling the nodes of information highways, intelligence agencies can gain access to sensitive information by leveraging the key position of their domestic companies. For states with small, open economies, this development poses a thorny problem: the toolbox for realigning global supply chains is limited, but reliance on supply chains beyond national control is extensive. The problem is not limited to being in a position of dependence, however. For smaller states, being in control over global assets, or being a key provider of a product or resource others depend on can be a double-edged sword. As economic coercion becomes more widely deployed, the impetus for protecting and securing assets increases, and the risk that they might drag smaller states into geopolitical contests grows. Addressing these concerns, it is vital to develop tools, frameworks, and methodologies for assessing supply chains from a national perspective, with a focus on how economic interdependence might introduce geopolitical risks. Against this background, this report builds on recent theoretical and methodological developments for analyzing global supply chains in light of their potential for geopolitical weaponization. More precisely, it will study Norway’s position in global value chains by combining recent methodological developments on the network analysis of supply chains and recent analysis of country-level aggregated analysis of supply dependencies. This allows for a study of supply chains as networks of economic relations, in which the position of different national economies contains both strategic capacities, or assets, by being central suppliers on which other countries depend, and vulnerabilities, by depending heavily on other countries. The report thus uses network analysis to identify Norway’s positions and their related strategic vulnerabilities and assets. Link to the Annex for this report:
Technology and maritime security in Africa: Opportunities and challenges in Gulf of Guinea
Sikkerhetstrusler til sjøs undergraver sikkerhet og trygghet på havet og, i sin tur, kyststatenes innsats for å utnytte ressursene i deres maritime domene. Denne påstanden er sann for kyststater og Små Øystater i Utvikling (SIDS) på det afrikanske kontinentet, der begrensede maritime håndhevelseskapasiteter har økt sikkerhetstruslene til sjøs, som ulovlig, urapportert og uregulert fiske, piratvirksomhet og væpnet ran til sjøs, dumping av giftig avfall og andre ulovlige aktiviteter. Afrikanske mariner og deres utenlandske partnere utnytter de mulighetene teknologien gir for å forbedre sikkerhet og trygghet. Teknologi har ført til identifikasjon av kriminelle på havet, deres fangst og rettsforfølgelse, noe som gjør den avgjørende for å forbedre maritim sikkerhet. Som sådan er fordelene med dens bruk for maritim sikkerhet ubestridelige. Imidlertid innebærer bruk av teknologi utfordringer som må vurderes. Med dette i tankene, gir vår forskning et originalt bidrag ved å utforske mulighetene for å bruke teknologi til å fremme maritim sikkerhet og trygghet i Afrika, suksesser og utfordringer med vekt på Guineabukten-regionen. Basert på spørreundersøkelsesdata fra personell innen maritim lov-håndhevelse, byråer som støtter implementeringen av Yaoundé-kodeksen (2013), og en gjennomgang av relevant litteratur og politiske dokumenter, hevder vi at teknologi har betydelig forbedret bevisstheten om det maritime domenet og effektiv implementering av maritim sikkerhet og trygghet i Guineabukten. Det er imidlertid avgjørende å adressere eksisterende begrensninger og styrke menneskelig kapasitet for å opprettholde denne fremgangen.
Naturen kjenner ingen landegrenser
Hvordan skape bærekraftig demokrati i Latin-Amerika og Karibia?
Vi ser nærmere på hvordan Escazú-avtalen kan bidra til demokratibygging.
Stakeholder Networks in International Development Projects in the Amazon rainforest
The governance of environmental issues has become a central challenge in world politics. These issues are often complex, thus requiring flows of knowledge and resource from multiple actors across multiple levels. International development cooperation is a channel for these varied sets of actors to join their efforts in concrete projects and policies, allowing for global engagement with local envi- ronmental challenges. It thus can anchor policy networks capable of structuring polycentric modes governance. Yet, empirical research has shown that policy networks are sites of political disputes, (re)producing power rela- tions and affecting the capacity of different social groups to influence relevant outcomes. In this brief, we examine such dynamics in the network of stakeholders involved in development, execution or governance of internationally funded projects in the Amazon.
Boklansering: Before the West
Vi inviterer til boklansering med Ayse Zarakol og den nye boka hennar «Before the West».
The Amazon rainforest and the global–regional politics of ecosystem governance
This article examines the global–regional politics of ecosystem governance through the case of the Amazon rainforest. Despite the bourgeoning literature on global and regional environmental politics, the interplay of these dynamics in ecosystem governance has still received limited attention. I here propose that the politics of ecosystem governance are rooted in a dispute over the realization of alternative ecosystem services. When global actors become invested in promoting ecosystem preservation to secure the realization services with diffuse benefits, it can affect cooperation at the regional level. Ecosystem-adjacent states can perceive external interest as a threat, building regional cooperation as a tool to defend sovereignty, but also as an opportunity, using it to bargain the terms of their stewardship. I use this framework to trace the evolution of regional cooperation in the Amazon, demonstrating how it was developed in response to this ecosystem's growing global salience. Through defensive sovereignty and bargained stewardship, regional cooperation helped Amazon states to cap international commitment and limit external influence in the region but also allowed for building some form of coordinated ecosystem protection. The research sheds new light on both the potential and the limitations of global–regional engagements for the preservation of the Amazon and other analogous cross-border ecosystems.
The challenge of IUU fishing in West Africa and The PotentialTechnology Solutions: An analysis of international cooperationprojects in Ghana and Gu...
Illegal, unreported, and unregulated (IUU) fishing is a social, economic and environmental problem. It undermines management and drives the depletion of fish stocks, threatens food security, and drains valuable resources from the economy. In recent decades, efforts have been made to build an international regime that can curb IUU fishing. However, implementing this regime and stemming the tides of IUU fishing remains challenging. At the center of this challenge is the necessity to create capacity in states for the monitoring, control, and surveillance (MCS) of fisheries. Monitoring fisheries means measuring fishing effort characteristics and resource yields continuously. The control of fisheries concerns the establishment of regulations for exploiting resources. Surveillance refers to the measures to secure compliance with regulatory controls.
Valet i Brasil og moglegheiter for norsk samarbeid i Amazonas
Korleis kan valet av ny president i Brasil påverke bevaringa av regnskogen i Amazonas?