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Research paper
Malte Brosig, Friedrich Plank, Yf Reykers

Governance Through Regime Complexity: What Role for the EU in the African Security Regime Complex?

The international response to armed conflict in Africa often takes the form of a regime complex characterized by institutional proliferation, overlap, unclear hierarchies, and multiple interconnections. At the same time, the course of conflict is hardly predictable. In such an environment, how can component units (institutional fora) of a regime complex effectively govern through complexity? We explore this question by focusing on the EU as an important actor within regime complexes. Building on the regime complexity literature and complexity theory, we identify four conditions. We argue that actors who operate as resource hubs, create complementarity, support system self‐organization, and practice adaptive forms of peacebuilding are best placed to manage regime complexity. Empirically we probe these assumptions in the context of the Sahelian security regime complex and the role the EU is playing in it.

  • Forsvar
  • Sikkerhetspolitikk
  • Afrika
  • Styring
  • EU
  • Forsvar
  • Sikkerhetspolitikk
  • Afrika
  • Styring
  • EU
Cedric H. de Coning, Florian Krampe, Katongo Seyuba, Dylan O'Driscoll, Kheira Tarif, Kyungmee Kim, Asha Ali

Climate, Peace and Security Fact Sheet: Iraq

Iraq is highly exposed to climate change-related extreme weather events. Droughts, floods, heatwaves and dust storms are negatively affecting the environment, agriculture, water availability, health and other aspects of the everyday lives of Iraq’s population. These climate change impacts undermine development and exacerbate existing vulnerabilities, which, combined with other factors, increases the risk of instability and conflict.

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Internet governance and the UN in a multiplex world order era?

Over the last two decades Internet Governance (IG) has emerged as an increasingly complex and fraught field of policymaking involving both states and non-state actors on a multitude of arenas. Facing this complex field, the role of the United Nations (UN) in IG has been both varying and contested. While the UN has been discussing issues related to IG since the 1990s, disagreements on both substantive issues and where discussions ought to take place have intermittently resurfaced and remained relevant, but recent processes and challenges to the status quo asks questions about the direction going forward. In the UN, recently established processes aims to revamp the approach to IG, while the negotiations over a cybercrime convention, and the 2022 ITU plenipotentiary have made the long running contests between western and authoritarian states over this topic more visible. Broader trends and rising tensions globally raises questions not only about the future for the global nature of IG and the role of the UN in this, but also whether decoupling and alliances with like-minded states might become more dominant than global multilateral and multi-stakeholder channels, i.e a trend pointing towards a multiplex field of internet governance.1

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Vitenskapelig artikkel

Introduction: Is the time nigh for ecological security?

Klimaendringer og den pågående ødeleggelsen av jordens økosystemer har i økende grad blitt avbildet som et sikkerhetsspørsmål med det edle, men ikke uproblematiske målet som gir et presserende svar. Disse klima- og miljøsikkerhetsdiskursene har blitt mye kritisert på både empirisk og normativt grunnlag. Men finnes det et etisk forsvarlig og til og med frigjørende alternativ til å se for seg forholdet mellom miljø og sikkerhet? I sin nye bok – Ecological Security: Climate Change and the Construction of Security – argumenterer Matt McDonald for at det finnes og legger ut omfattende normative rammer for å gjøre det. For å se nærmere på McDonalds sak for det han kaller «økologisk sikkerhet», samler dette forumet fire ledende forskere fra antropologi, geografi, internasjonale relasjoner og freds- og bærekraftsstudier. Mens alle bidragsytere stort sett er positive til bokens mål, identifiserer hver av dem svakheter i tilnærmingen som beveger seg fra forslag til hvordan avgrense rammeverket på den ene siden til å stille spørsmål ved om rammeverket risikerer å virke kontraproduktivt på den andre.

  • Sikkerhetspolitikk
  • Klima
  • Sikkerhetspolitikk
  • Klima

Adapting the African Standby Force to Africa’s Evolving Security Landscape

Over the last decade Africa has experienced a resurgence of what used to be called rebels. In response a number of new types of operations have evolved.

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Kina med storstilt ideologisk oppløsning

Et kommunistregime soler sin politiske modell i olympisk glans, på tross av boikotthandlinger fra USA og vestlige land. OL i Beijing speiler imidlertid en radikalt annerledes ideologisk utfordring enn den fra Moskva-OL i 1980.

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The Geopolitics of the Middle East

USAs tilbaketrekking fra Midtøsten – lenge varslet – har fått Saudi Arabia og andre araberland til å søke flere partnere for å redusere sin sårbarhet og utvide sitt handlingsrom. Den geopolitiske delelinjen mellom øst og vest beveger seg nå vestover, fra Iran til Saudi Arabia. Den nye avtalen mellom disse tradisjonelle fiendene og Kina har et stort potensial til å snu regionen fra konflikt til samarbeid. Brief-en diskuterer det nye geopolitiske landskapet og dets implikasjoner for krig og fred i Midtøsten.

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Norway’s Climate Policy: Don’t Think of the Elephant!

All Norwegian governments in the twenty-first century, left and right, have made climate action an important element of their diplomacy and domestic policy, while recently some political parties have even made climate neutrality and decarbonisation the core of their electoral campaign messages. Norway has played the role of an advocate for international climate action, for instance of rainforest protection. Moreover, government incentives such as tax levies have been instrumental in the spectacular expansion of electric vehicles. However, despite the self-promoted image of a climate policy champion abroad, Norway’s efforts to cut domestic greenhouse gas emissions have been modest since signing the Kyoto Protocol in December 1997. Norway is exporting oil and gas that cause massive emissions, but the significance of the fossil fuel sector for the country makes it difficult to find alternatives and seriously consider rapid phase out. That said, a debate on the future of the oil and gas sector is ongoing. Whilst Norway’s point of departure in an imminent transition is rather favourable, the lack of progress is due to insufficient political leadership and vision. Norwegian decision makers need to be bold in their choice of whether the transition’s main goal should be managing decline in the oil and gas sector or managing climate-related economic risks. Meanwhile, in the wake of Russia’s invasion of Ukraine and the EU’s decision for a drastic reduction in dependence on Russian fossil fuels, the lifetime of Norway’s oil and gas production could well be extended by a decade or more. It is not unreasonable to expect that the last molecule of fossil methane burned in Europe before it switches to hydrogen and biogas—is going to come from Norway.

  • Klima
  • Styring
  • Klima
  • Styring
Policy brief
Hilde Restad

USAs demokratiske krise og dets utenrikspolitiske konsekvenser

Under og etter andre verdenskrig konstruerte USA en internasjonal orden som USA selv skulle lede. Denne til dels liberale verdensordenen (avhengig av hvor i verden man befant seg under Den kalde krigen) gagnet USA økonomisk og sikkerhetsmessig. Dette var det tverrpolitisk enighet om, en enighet som ble forsterket av måten slutten på den kalde krigen ble tolket på i USA: Den amerikanske modellen hadde beseiret kommunismen, og liberalt, kapitalistisk demokrati var, som Francis Fukuyama så berømt skrev, enden på verdens ideologiske historie.

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Policy brief
Daniella Slabinski, Elena Gorbacheva

Public resistance in Russia: Mobilizational opportunities and the effect of protest on public attitudes

Ever since the full-scale Russian invasion of Ukraine in February 2022 the level of resistance against the Putin regime and the general protest potential in Russian society have been in the limelight. The decade preceding the invasion had witnessed the highest number of mass protests in modern Russian history. This Policy Brief explores one of the most successful of these regional protest movements, the Shiyes movement. How was the movement able to grow, sustain itself, and diffuse under Putin’s authoritarian regime? And what can this tell us about the protest potential in today’s Russia?

  • Russland og Eurasia
  • Styring
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  • Russland og Eurasia
  • Styring
141 - 150 av 3385 oppføringer