MINUSTAH’s Specialized Police Team to Combat Sexual Violence in Haiti
This paper examines the Norwegian specialized police team (SPT) that has been deployed to the United Nations Stabilization Mission in Haiti (MINUSTAH) since late 2010. The objective of the team is to build the capacity of the Haitian National Police (HNP) to conduct investigations into sexual and gender-based violence (SGBV).
Community-based policing and post-conflict police reform (ICT4COP)
Dette forskningsprosjektet vil bidra til mer kunnskap om de sosiale, kulturelle, juridiske og etiske dimensjonene i 'community-based' politiarbeid i tidlifere konfliktområder....
Protection of Civilians. From Principle to Practice (PoC)
Dette prosjektet tar sikte på å fastslå rollen til og effekten av dagens politikkutforming for og utøvelse av PoC (Protection of Civilians)....
Trade Integration, Geopolitics and the Economy of Russia (TIGER)
Prosjektet analyserte hvordan handelsintegrasjon er koblet til geografi, geopolitikk og Russlands dreining mot Asia....
Legal Regimes and Women's Economic Agency (WomEcon)
The project's objective is to improve our understanding of how legal regimes and legal changes affect the economic agency of different subgroupes of women across the world...
Towards a new innovation policy in Cuba: Proposal for the introduction of a R&D fiscal incentive program