Poverty, prices and international inequality
Prosjektet undersøker metodene som brukes ved måling av fattigdom og sammenlikning av realinntekt i ulike land, spesielt metoder for å ta hensyn til ulike prisnivåer....
Russian and Caspian Energy Developments (RUSSCASP)
RUSSCASP har som mål å undersøke drivkrefter i russisk og kaspisk energieksport, energiutvikling i nordområdene og den potensielle rolle utenlandske energibedrifter vil kunne få i denne regionen....
Globalisation, Domestic Market Integration, and the Regional Disparities of India
A new panel dataset for cross-country analyses of national systems, growth and development (CANA)
Missing data represent an important limitation for cross-country analyses of national systems, growth and development. This paper presents a new cross-country panel dataset with no missing value. We make use of a new method of multiple imputation that has recently been developed by Honaker and King (2010) to deal specifically with time-series cross-section data at the country-level. We apply this method to construct a large dataset containing a great number of indicators measuring six key country-specific dimensions: innovation and technological capabilities, education system and human capital, infrastructures, economic competitiveness, political-institutional factors, and social capital. The CANA panel dataset thus obtained provides a rich and complete set of 41 indicators for 134 countries in the period 1980-2008 (for a total of 3886 country-year observations). The empirical analysis shows the reliability of the dataset and its usefulness for cross-country analyses of national systems, growth and development. The new dataset is publicly available.