The end of stability - how Burkina Faso fell apart
Burkina Faso var lenge ansett som en oase av stabilitet i en konfliktfylt del av Afrika. Det er ikke tilfelle lenger. Islamske opprørere inspirert av jihadisk teologi har tatt over stadig større landområder. En årsak er spill-over-effekter fra tilsvarende konflikter i nabolandet Mali, men forfatterne hevder også at det plutselige fallet til det gamle regimet til Blaise Compaoré også er del av forklaringen på hva som har skjedd i Burkina Faso. Artikkelen viser hvorledes Burkina Faso ble navigert unna konfliktene i nabolandet av hva vi kaller en ‘Big Man’ dyp stat bygget opp rundt formelle og uformelle regimesikkerhetsnettverk. Når denne dype staten forsvant da regimet til Compaoré ble kastet i et folkelig opprør, var grunnen egentlig beredt for at jihadistiske opprørere kunne gjøre et inntog. Gjennom forfatternes studie av denne prosessen, prøver nde å komme til en bedre konseptuell forståelse av hvorledes svake stater faktisk styres, og hvordan noen ledere av slike stater klarer å holde seg ved makten over lang tid, og hva som kan skje når slike ledere til slutt blir kastet fra makten.
Climate, Peace and Security Fact Sheet: Central African Republic
I sitt nye faktaark utforsker forskere fra NUPI og SIPRIs Climate-related peace and Security Risk prosjekt sammenhengen mellom klimaendringer og sikkerhet i den sentralafrikanske republikken.
Klima, fred og sikkerhet i den Sentralafrikanske republikk
The challenge of IUU fishing in West Africa and The PotentialTechnology Solutions: An analysis of international cooperationprojects in Ghana and Gu...
Illegal, unreported, and unregulated (IUU) fishing is a social, economic and environmental problem. It undermines management and drives the depletion of fish stocks, threatens food security, and drains valuable resources from the economy. In recent decades, efforts have been made to build an international regime that can curb IUU fishing. However, implementing this regime and stemming the tides of IUU fishing remains challenging. At the center of this challenge is the necessity to create capacity in states for the monitoring, control, and surveillance (MCS) of fisheries. Monitoring fisheries means measuring fishing effort characteristics and resource yields continuously. The control of fisheries concerns the establishment of regulations for exploiting resources. Surveillance refers to the measures to secure compliance with regulatory controls.
Recalibration of Norway's development aid to Africa based on Africa's agricultural response measures to the Ukraine war
As the world grapples with the fallout from the Russian invasion of Ukraine, an adage comes to mind: In every crisis, there is an opportunity.
States of Disorder, Ecosystems of Governance: Complexity Theory Applied to UN Statebuilding in the DRC and South Sudan
Dr Andrew Tchie reviews the book "States of Disorder, Ecosystems of Governance: Complexity Theory Applied to UN Statebuilding in the DRCand SOuth Sudan" by Dr Adam Day.
UK new Prime Minister and her focus on Africa
Dr Andrew Tchie, on BBC World News, touches on what the relationship between the new UK Prime Minister Liz Truss and Africa will be moving forward.
Understanding Africa’s Adaptability to Peace and Security Challenges
Dr Andrew Tchie reviews the book "African Peacekeeping Training Centres: Socialisation as a Tool for Peace?"
Tshisekedi hopeful that the Luanda summit will lead to a de-escalation of violence
Following the talks in Luanda, Democratic Republic of Congo's President Felix Tshisekedi expressed hope that the summit would lead to a de-escalation of violence, between his country and Rwanda. Preventive Terrorism Consultant and President of the Africa Security Forum Temitope Olodo, and Senior Researcher at the Norwegian Institute of International Affairs, Dr Andrew E. Yaw Tchie, weigh in on the development.