Reimagining NATO after Crimea: Defender of the rule-based order and truth?
Russlands annektering av Krim, og krigen mot Ukraina har ført til omveltninger i NATOs diskurs og praksis. Denne artikkelen tar et skritt tilbake fra sikkerhetsdebatten, og hevder at selve prosessen med å svare på russisk aggresjon har ført til et nytt syn på NATOs identitet. NATO har en tendens til å presentere endring som kontinuitet. Denne artikkelen analyserer hvordan en trio av nye og ambisiøse selvrepresentasjoner har blitt fremtredende i NATOs diskurs etter annekteringen av Krim. NATO ser på seg selv som forsvarer av den internasjonale regelbaserte orden, og leverandør av sannhet og fakta midt i en verden av desinformasjon. Samtidig driver NATO en politisk agenda for motstand som utvider alliansens autoritet til nye innenlandske domener. Ved å problematisere disse endringene, advarer artikkelen om at NATOs nye narrativ ignorerer sin egen rolle i problemene den søker å løse, og dermed risikerer å undergrave NATOs innsats for å samle global støtte til Ukraina.
Framtidig forsvar for Norge: Innspill til langtidsplan og forsvarskonsept
Denne rapporten gir flere innspill til debatten om hvordan det norske forsvaret skal dimensjoneres og organiseres i årene som kommer. Den foreslår også noen supplementer og endringer til "Forsvarsløftet", langtidsplanen for Forsvaret 2025-2036.
The future is just another past
I denne artikkelen bruker Leira og Kessler innsiktene fra begrepshistorie som utgangspunkt for å problematisere enkle fremskrivninger av nåtiden til fremtiden. De starter med å vise hvordan kjernebegreper vi bruker i våre daglige beskrivelser av internasjonal politikk har endret seg betydelig de siste to hundre årene. Basert på dette diskuterer de så hvordan begrepshistorien kan hjelpe oss med å forstå en fremtid der begreper er i ganske rask, om enn gradvis, endring, samt utfordringene som kan vise seg hvis hele begrepsapparatet endres på revolusjonær måte.
Mental health exemptions to criminal responsibility - between law, medicine, politics and security
Psykisk helse kan frita individer fra strafferettslig ansvar ved at de blir funnet utilregnelige. Selv i tilfeller hvor det ikke er tvil om tiltalte har begått lovbruddet, kan personen bli fullstendig eller delvis fritatt strafferettslig ansvar, funnet ikke skyldig eller få en redusert eller spesiell dom på grunnlag av psykisk helse. Slike utfall kan imidlertid bety psykisk helsebehandling eller innleggelse i stedet for fengselsstraff, og i noen tilfeller også løslatelse. Det er vanlig at psykologer eller psykiatere vurderer diagnosen og alvorlighetsgraden i saker hvor det kan være aktuelt med psykisk helsefritak. Dette kan virke relativt enkelt både medisinsk og juridisk. Men denne artikkelen viser hvordan disse sakene kan være betydelig mer komplekse. Med henvisning til Norge og Storbritannia, fremhever artikkelen forskjeller i rammeverk og implementering av blant annet bevisbyrde, bevisets natur og kausalitet. Konkrete terrorrelaterte saker blir brukt som eksempler for å vise iboende spenninger mellom teori og praksis i forbindelse med utilregnelighet.
Climate change and peacebuilding: sub-themes of an emerging research agenda
Klimaendringer har dype effekter på global sikkerhet og fredsbygging. Mens eksisterende forskning hovedsakelig har fokusert på sammenhengen mellom klimaendringer og konflikt, har den i stor grad oversett det komplekse samspillet mellom klimaendringer, konfliktrammede stater og fredsbygging. Klimaendringer forverrer eksisterende sårbarheter i konfliktrammede samfunn ved å legge til stress i levebrødet og påvirke mat-, vann- og energisikkerheten negativt. Dette er spesielt bekymringsfullt ettersom klimaendringene ofte merkes mest akutt i omgivelser der offentlige institusjoner allerede ikke klarer å møte befolkningens behov. Følgelig kan klimaendringer bidra til å forverre situasjonen og hindre evnen til å opprettholde, forsterke og bygge fred. Selv om utøvere i fredsbyggingsfeltet har begynt å reagere på effektene av klimaendringer, har akademisk forskning ikke i tilstrekkelig grad adressert spørsmålet om hvordan klimaendringer påvirker fredsbygging og hvordan fredsbyggingsstrategier kan reagere effektivt. For å fylle dette gapet er det nødvendig med en tverrfaglig tilnærming som trekker fra klimasikkerhet, miljøfredsbygging, miljøstudier og freds- og konfliktstudier for å utvikle en forskningsagenda som omfatter skjæringspunktene mellom klimaendringer og fredsbygging. Ved å erkjenne viktigheten av klimaendringer i fredsbyggingsarbeid, tar denne forskningsagendaen sikte på å gi kritisk innsikt og veilede fremtidige studier.
A Forgotten People in An Unstable Region - The Effectiveness of the United Nations Interim Security Force for Abyei Executive Summary
Established in June 2011, UNISFA aims to foster peace, stability, and development in the disputed Abyei region. Focused on implementing the Abyei Protocol, the mission addresses border demarcation (through the Joint Border Verification Monitoring Mechanism for the Sudan-South Sudan boundary since South Sudan’s independence in 2011) and security concerns and supports local governance through engagement with administrations. However, since 2011, UNISFA’s effectiveness in fulfilling its mandate and protecting civilians has been questioned as sporadic and spontaneous violence remains very high. While the overall security situation in Abyei has shown signs of improvement, persistent conflict dynamics stemming from intra- and inter-communal tensions, hired armed elements, and humanitarian challenges continue to set the region back. The rise of communal conflicts between new ethnicities and communities entering the “Abyei box” – often referred to as the Abyei area – has led to further tensions with the mission over its ability to protect civilians. In this Effectiveness of Peace Operations Network (EPON) study, the authors set out to explore the effectiveness of UNISFA in meeting its mandated tasks in several areas. These include: 1. Protect civilians under imminent threat of physical violence; 2. Support the Joint Border Verification and Monitoring Mechanism; 3. Provide de-mining assistance, technical advice, and security; and 4. Provide aid to humanitarian personnel and oil infrastructure in the Abyei Administrative Area (AAA), respectively. The report examines how effective the mission has been in meeting its core mandate, what we can understand from the mission’s success and challenges, and how adaptive the mission has been regarding the ongoing crisis in Sudan and South Sudan and its impact on Abyei, which has strategic and broader implications for the mission. Co-authors Dr Andrew E. Yaw Tchie – Senior Fellow at the Norwegian Institute of International Affairs and Training for Peace Programme. Dr Fiifi Edu-Afful – Visiting Fulbright Scholar-in-Residence at the American University School of International Service and the University of Maryland Department of Government & Politics. He was formerly a Senior Research Fellow at the Kofi Annan International Peacekeeping Training Centre (KAIPTC). Contributing authors Christian Ulfsten – former Research Assistant with the Norwegian Institute of International Affairs. Ruth Adwoa Frimpong – Project Consultant with the German Corporation for International Cooperation (GIZ) Nigeria. EPON series editor Dr Cedric de Coning, Research Professor – Norwegian Institute of International Affairs (NUPI).
A Forgotten People in an Unstable Region - The Effectiveness of the United Nations Interim Security Force for Abyei
Established in June 2011, UNISFA aims to foster peace, stability, and development in the disputed Abyei region. Focused on implementing the Abyei Protocol, the mission addresses border demarcation (through the Joint Border Verification Monitoring Mechanism for the Sudan-South Sudan boundary since South Sudan’s independence in 2011) and security concerns and supports local governance through engagement with administrations. However, since 2011, UNISFA’s effectiveness in fulfilling its mandate and protecting civilians has been questioned as sporadic and spontaneous violence remains very high. While the overall security situation in Abyei has shown signs of improvement, persistent conflict dynamics stemming from intra- and inter-communal tensions, hired armed elements, and humanitarian challenges continue to set the region back. The rise of communal conflicts between new ethnicities and communities entering the “Abyei box” – often referred to as the Abyei area – has led to further tensions with the mission over its ability to protect civilians. In this Effectiveness of Peace Operations Network (EPON) study, the authors set out to explore the effectiveness of UNISFA in meeting its mandated tasks in several areas. These include: 1. Protect civilians under imminent threat of physical violence; 2. Support the Joint Border Verification and Monitoring Mechanism; 3. Provide de-mining assistance, technical advice, and security; and 4. Provide aid to humanitarian personnel and oil infrastructure in the Abyei Administrative Area (AAA), respectively. The report examines how effective the mission has been in meeting its core mandate, what we can understand from the mission’s success and challenges, and how adaptive the mission has been regarding the ongoing crisis in Sudan and South Sudan and its impact on Abyei, which has strategic and broader implications for the mission. Co-authors Dr Andrew E. Yaw Tchie – Senior Fellow at the Norwegian Institute of International Affairs and Training for Peace Programme. Dr Fiifi Edu-Afful – Visiting Fulbright Scholar-in-Residence at the American University School of International Service and the University of Maryland Department of Government & Politics. He was formerly a Senior Research Fellow at the Kofi Annan International Peacekeeping Training Centre (KAIPTC). Contributing authors Christian Ulfsten – former Research Assistant with the Norwegian Institute of International Affairs. Ruth Adwoa Frimpong – Project Consultant with the German Corporation for International Cooperation (GIZ) Nigeria. EPON series editor Dr Cedric de Coning, Research Professor – Norwegian Institute of International Affairs (NUPI).
The Impact and Response to Misinformation, Disinformation, Malinformation and Hate Speech in the Digital Era
Over the past decades, the use of misinformation, malinformation, disinformation and hate speech (MDMH) has contributed to the escalation of violence in environments where the United Nations deployed Peacekeeping Operations (UN PKO). The widespread utilisation of modern technology in UN PKO environments raises the magnitude of the MDMH threat. In some settings, MDMH places communities and peacekeepers at risk of harm, but more broadly, MDMH places UN PKOs in ever more challenging situations which they are often incapable of responding to. The spread of information by actors as part of hearts and minds campaigns and other information strategies to bring populations on the ground on their side is nothing new. Simultaneously, the diffusion of rumours and false information can contribute to the escalation of tensions between and within groups and communities and result in widespread violence. All of these can support and contribute to the intensification and acceleration of MDMH, impacting not only the conflict dynamics but also the use of indiscriminate violence. The online uptake of MDMH may further aggravate these dynamics. It can undermine the stability of mission environments, local conflicts, indiscriminate use of violence by non-state and state actors, impact detrimentally on human rights, and jeopardise overall processes of achieving and sustaining peace and supporting its processes. The report draws on four UN PKOs as case studies and hinges further analysis on two UN PKOs to provide and understand context specific examples of the rising challenges that UN PKO face with MDMH. This report by the Effectiveness of Peace Operations Network (EPON) in collaboration with Norwegian Capacity (NORCAP) and Training for Peace sets out to explore some of these key developments and challenges questioning, what is the impact of MDMH on UN PKO’s and their ability to effectively implement their mandates? What efforts have the selected UN PKO’s taken to respond to MDMH? What are the lessons identified and recommendations for UNPKOs to address MDMH?
The Impact and Response to Misinformation, Disinformation, Malinformation and Hate Speech in the Digital Era Executive Summary
Over the past decades, the use of misinformation, malinformation, disinformation and hate speech (MDMH) has contributed to the escalation of violence in environments where the United Nations deployed Peacekeeping Operations (UN PKO). The widespread utilisation of modern technology in UN PKO environments raises the magnitude of the MDMH threat. In some settings, MDMH places communities and peacekeepers at risk of harm, but more broadly, MDMH places UN PKOs in ever more challenging situations which they are often incapable of responding to. The spread of information by actors as part of hearts and minds campaigns and other information strategies to bring populations on the ground on their side is nothing new. Simultaneously, the diffusion of rumours and false information can contribute to the escalation of tensions between and within groups and communities and result in widespread violence. All of these can support and contribute to the intensification and acceleration of MDMH, impacting not only the conflict dynamics but also the use of indiscriminate violence. The online uptake of MDMH may further aggravate these dynamics. It can undermine the stability of mission environments, local conflicts, indiscriminate use of violence by non-state and state actors, impact detrimentally on human rights, and jeopardise overall processes of achieving and sustaining peace and supporting its processes. The report draws on four UN PKOs as case studies and hinges further analysis on two UN PKOs to provide and understand context specific examples of the rising challenges that UN PKO face with MDMH. This report by the Effectiveness of Peace Operations Network (EPON) in collaboration with Norwegian Capacity (NORCAP) and Training for Peace sets out to explore some of these key developments and challenges questioning, what is the impact of MDMH on UN PKO’s and their ability to effectively implement their mandates? What efforts have the selected UN PKO’s taken to respond to MDMH? What are the lessons identified and recommendations for UNPKOs to address MDMH?
Norway and Romania: Navigating Information Warfare
Studien «Norway and Romania: Navigating Information Warfare» utforsker bruken av desinformasjon, propaganda og interferens for å manipulere offentlig diskurs midt i Ukraina-krigen. Den diskuterer hvordan disse taktikkene utnytter historisk sensitivitet og grensesensitivitet for å delegitimere Ukraina og avlede fra de globale økonomiske konsekvensene av russisk aggresjon. Forskningen fremhever hvordan slike strategier prøver å flytte skylden og påvirke internasjonale oppfatninger til fordel for Russland. Studien analyserer hvordan russisk politisk krigføring manifesterer seg i både Norge og Romania, og fokuserer på hvert lands særtrekk. Denne studien er en av leveransene fra FLANKS II-prosjektet utført i smararbeid mellom New Strategy Center i Romania og Norsk Utenrikspolitisk Institutt (NUPI) i Oslo.