Nordiske svar på geopolitiske utfordringer (GEONOR)
Hvilke utenrikspolitiske verktøy har de nordiske lands regjeringer, når de nå står overfor en ny og mer utfordrende geopolitisk situasjon?...
Kina og Norden - Globale utfordringar i nordiske og kinesiske perspektiv
Ekspertar frå fleire leiande forskingsinstitusjonar gjestar NUPI for å diskutere forholdet mellom Kina og Norden i lys av dagens utfordringar.
Swedish–Norwegian Defence Cooperation: New opportunities?
Swedish–Norwegian defence cooperation has encountered rough seas in recent years, but now seems to have entered smoother waters. This is due to both push and pull factors: push because the new security environment has increased the likelihood of a crisis in the Nordic/Baltic region, which would probably involve all Nordic states, irrespective of NATO or EU membership. Pull because of the renewed US engagement in the region, because of the EU incentives for industrial defence cooperation – and because geographical proximity in itself creates possibilities for shared solutions and practices. This Policy Brief focuses on Swedish–Norwegian defence cooperation in the broader Nordic/Baltic context. We begin by reviewing recent developments in Swedish defence policies, and the implications of previous failed joint Swedish–Norwegian projects. We then turn to opportunities that may emerge as a result of the mentioned push and pull factors. These opportunities are to be considered as ideas; they have not been thoroughly discussed and assessed, but may serve as starting points for follow-on debates and explorations.
Det illiberale Europa
Det er klare fellestrekk i landenes politiske utvikling. Gjennom lovendringer svekker myndighetene uavhengigheten til domstolene, sivilsamfunnet og media. I tillegg deler de et konservativt politisk tankegods, hvor regjeringene vektlegger statlig suverenitet, religion, familie og nasjon som et alternativ til det liberaldemokratiske tankegodset i EU.
Svensk-norsk forsvarssamarbeid: Nye muligheter?
I juni i år møttes den svenske og norske forsvarsministeren for å fortsette samtalene om et bilateralt forsvarssamarbeid. Etter mye motstand kan det se lysere ut for et slikt samarbeid.
Swedish–Norwegian Defence Cooperation: New opportunities?
Swedish–Norwegian defence cooperation has encountered rough seas in recent years, but now seems to have entered smoother waters. This is due to both push and pull factors: push because the new security environment has increased the likelihood of a crisis in the Nordic/Baltic region, which would probably involve all Nordic states, irrespective of NATO or EU membership. Pull because of the renewed US engagement in the region, because of the EU incentives for industrial defence cooperation – and because geographical proximity in itself creates possibilities for shared solutions and practices. This Policy Brief focuses on Swedish–Norwegian defence cooperation in the broader Nordic/Baltic context. We begin by reviewing recent developments in Swedish defence policies, and the implications of previous failed joint Swedish–Norwegian projects. We then turn to opportunities that may emerge as a result of the mentioned push and pull factors. These opportunities are to be considered as ideas; they have not been thoroughly discussed and assessed, but may serve as starting points for follow-on debates and explorations.
#VEIVALG - Europa, EU og sikkerhet
Video: Seniorforsker Pernille Rieker gir deg en forklaring på krisen EU er inne i.
NORDEFCO i et nytt sikkerhetspolitisk miljø: På tide med nye initiativer?
Prosjektet ser nærmere på Norges samarbeid med de andre nordiske landene, med et særskilt fokus på Nordisk Forsvarssamarbeid (NORDEFCO)....